Number/Representation Theory

Event Information Limit points and long gaps between primes
14:10 on Wednesday February 10, 2016
15:00 on Wednesday February 10, 2016
BA6183, Bahen Center, 40 St. George St.
Tristan Freiberg

University of Waterloo

Cramer's random model leads us to expect that the primes are distributed in a Poisson distribution around their mean spacing. It is conjectured that, for any given positive number $\lambda$ and nonnegative integer $m$, the proportion of $n \le x$ for which $(n,n + \lambda \log n]$ contains exactly $m$ primes is asymptotically equal to $\lambda^me^{-\lambda}/m!$ as $x \to \infty$. It is also conjectured that, for any given numbers $b > a \ge 0$, the proportion of $n \le x$ for which $d_n/\log n \in (a,b]$, where $d_n = p_{n+1} - p_n$ and $p_n$ is the $n$th smallest prime, is asymptotically equal to $\int_a^b e^{-t} dt$ as $x \to \infty$.

By combining an Erdos--Rankin type construction, which produces large gaps between consecutive primes, with the Maynard--Tao breakthrough on short gaps between primes, we are able to show that the number of $n \le x$ for which $\pi(n + \lambda\log n) - \pi(n) = m$ is at least $x^{1 - o(1)}$. We are also able to show that at least $25\%$ of nonnegative real numbers are limit points of the sequence $(d_n/\log n)$ of normalized level spacings in the primes. We discuss an extension of this limit point result, which utilizes the work of Ford, Green, Konyagin, Maynard and Tao on long gaps between consecutive primes.