Toronto Set Theory

Event Information CH and homeomorphisms of Stone-Cech remainders
13:30 on Friday June 03, 2016
15:00 on Friday June 03, 2016
FI210, Fields Institute, 222 College St.
Alessandro Vignati
York University

If $X$ is locally compact and Polish, it makes sense to ask how many automorphisms does $X^*$, the Stone Cech remainder of $X$, have. It is known that, if $X$ is 0-dimensional, under the Continuum Hypothesis $X^*$ has $2^{\omega_1}$ many automorphisms (Rudin+Parovicenko). The same is true if $X=[0,1)$ (Yu, Dow-KP Hart), or if $X$ is the disjoint union of countably many compact spaces (Coskey-Farah). But the question remains open for, for example, $X=\mathbb{R}^2$. We prove that for a large class of spaces (including $\mathbb{R}^n$, for all n) CH provides $2^{\omega_1}$ many automorphisms of $X^*$.