Hamiltonian Systems

Event Information A Poisson geometric approach to exotic cluster structures on simple Lie groups
12:00 on Wednesday October 04, 2023
13:30 on Wednesday October 04, 2023
Michael Gekhtman

University of Notre Dame

We propose a new approach to building log-canonical coordinate charts for any simply-connected simple Lie group G and arbitrary Poisson-homogeneous bracket on G associated with Belavin-Drinfeld data. Given a pair of representatives r,r′ from two arbitrary Belavin--Drinfeld classes, we build a rational map from G with the Poisson structure defined by two appropriately selected representatives from the standard class to G equipped with the Poisson structure defined by the pair r,r′. In the A_n case, we prove that this map is invertible whenever the pair r,r′ is drawn from aperiodic Belavin-Drinfeld data and apply this construction to recover the existence of a regular complete cluster structure compatible with the Poisson structure associated with the pair r,r′. This is joint work with M. Shapiro and A. Vainshtein.

The talk will be via Zoom at: https://utoronto.zoom.us/j/99576627828

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