Geometric Representation Theory

Event Information (Some) Applications of 3d Gauge Theories to Geometric representation theory
16:15 on Monday January 25, 2016
17:30 on Monday January 25, 2016
FI210, Fields Institute, 222 College St.
Tudor Dimofte

Perimeter Institute

I will discuss some recent work with Mat Bullimore, Justin Hilburn, and Davide Gaiotto on moduli spaces and boundary conditions in 3d gauge theories with N=4 supersymmetry. Over the past ten years, many aspects of geometric representation theory (including the geometric Langlands program) have found a home in such theories and their 2d and 4d cousins. Using the 3d theories, we propose a physical underpinning for "symplectic duality" of generalized categories O (as described by Braden, Licata, Proudfoot, and Webster). We also generalize work of Braverman, Feigin, Rybnikov, and Finkelberg on a finite version of the AGT conjecture.