Number/Representation Theory

Event Information Universality of the cokernels of random p-adic Hermitian matrices
14:00 on Wednesday May 18, 2022
15:00 on Wednesday May 18, 2022
Jungin Lee
KIAS, Korea

Let $A$ be a random $n$ by $n$ matrix over $\mathbb{Z}_p$ which is equidistributed with respect to the Haar measure. Friedman and Washington proved that the distribution of the cokernel of $A$ follows the Cohen-Lenstra distribution. In this talk, we introduce three possible ways to generalize their work. In particular, we discuss the following results:

1. Joint distribution of the cokernels $cok(P_1(A)), ... , cok(P_l(A))$ for polynomials $P_1(t), ... , P_l(t) \in \mathbb{Z}_p[t]$ under some mild conditions

2. Universality of the cokernel of a random Hermitian matrix over the ring of integers of a quadratic extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$.

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