Hamiltonian Systems

Event Information Poisson brackets for Grassmannian pentagram maps
14:00 on Tuesday October 27, 2020
15:30 on Tuesday October 27, 2020
Nicholas Ovenhouse

University of Minnesota

The pentagram map is a discrete dynamical system on the space of plane polygons. It was proved to be integrable by Ovsienko, Schwartz, and Tabachnikov. Later on, Gekhtman, Shapiro, Vainshtein, and Tabachnikov gave another proof of integrability using a combinatorial model of networks drawn on a cylinder. Recently, a generalization of the pentagram map was defined where the polygons are in some Grassmannian manifold. I will discuss a noncommutative version of the techniques of Gekhtman et. al., and how it can be used to define a Poisson structure for the Grassmannian pentagram map and to show integrability.

The talk will be via Zoom at: https://utoronto.zoom.us/j/99576627828

Passcode: 448487
