Geometry & Topology

Event Information Index theory and deformations of open nonnegatively curved manifolds
16:10 on Monday October 21, 2019
17:00 on Monday October 21, 2019
BA6183, Bahen Center, 40 St. George St.
Igor Belegradek

Georgia Tech

Hitchin famously used index-theoretic arguments to show that the space of positive scalar curvature metrics on some closed spin manifolds is not connected, and his work has been extended by Crowley, Schick, and Steimle who proved that the space has nontrivial homotopy groups in infinitely many degrees. In the talk I shall explain how to adapt the technique to the space of complete metrics of nonnegative sectional curvature on certain open spin manifolds. A new ingredient of independent interest is homotopy density of the subspace of metrics with cylindrical ends.